Gut Blue Ice
Gut Blue Ice by dONKEY & RasputiN

Gut Blue Ice gives me that X-Files kind of vibe; you know the part in the movie where they find the alien ship in the arctic? Anyhow, congrats to the author for making this map architecturally interesting. The texturing is consistent, but doesn't quite convey the theme of the map. Several map models in use, including Evillair's teleporter and bouncepad.

As for gameplay, the bots use the whole level, but are drawn to the yellow armor room for the majority of the match. The weapons and items are scarce, you'll be picking up dropped weapons quite frequently.

Good for a few matches. Keeper? Maybe.

Reviewed by Mr. Lake

Ranked: 2.4 out of 5 (11 votes)

Download: Gut Blue Ice by dONKEY & RasputiN
