KommissarReb (SW12)
Reputation: 2,518

Bio / About
I am a long time member who only recently has begun working on experimental maps for Quake 3. The reason for that is I have some attachment with Quake 3 and would like to contribute what I feel the mapping community left to be desired.

I feel that there are a lot of maps that have potential to be fun, but don't have bot support. I'd like to see people upload an updated version of maps like these with bot support.

YouTube: www.youtube.com/@P...cerer666/videos
ModDB Page: www.moddb.com/memb...issarreb/addons

Website: yoldskoolgamers.community.forum/

Recent reputation

Comment: The City of Per-Ramses
Comment: Mech
Comment: Mystic Gemini
Comment: spacial
Comment: The Dimension of Evil
Comment: Garden Satanica
Comment: Kritische Masse
More reputation changes
