How to submit a map

Getting your map on ..::LvL - short version

If this is your second release, here are the basics:

If this is your first release, please read the following.

Getting your map on ..::LvL - detailed version

The very first thing you should do is release your level as a beta for peer review. This way you will get some feedback and there will be no need to re-release your level if there is something you missed. The Quake 3 World forums are a good starting point for beta releases. There are other forums as well.

Once your level has been added to ..::LvL, we will update the download with a later version of your release if you want us to, but levels will not be reviewed a second time.

Once you feel your level is ready for final release it will require a few things before it can be listed:

If any of the above sounds confusing then your level is not ready to be listed on ..::LvL - sorry.

Once you have all the above sorted out, send a URL of where to download the <filename>.zip file from. If you need somewhere to upload your map to, try:

If you have problems uploading your file to a download location, use this form to send us a message and we will contact you. Make sure you include a valid email so we can contact you by email.

Once we get a copy of your release, it will be added to the map queue.

..::LvL may not list your level for any of the following reasons:

While a level is on the map queue it can be updated, changed or rejected. However, once it has been reviewed it is on ..::LvL to stay. We do not remove reviewed levels unless there is a legal reason to do so.

We will try and inform level authors of rejections unless contact information is missing (or I just forget) :]
